Thursday, May 21, 2015

Where the Red Fern Grows #2


Dear Group Member,

       Hi I have enjoyed the second part of  Where The Red Fern Grows. Its pretty good and I would like to share my thoughts on the book and some questions I have.
     In section two I really enjoyed when Billy caught his first coon. I was really confused when Billy ment "coon ", then I realized raccoon. I was suprised when his father killed it because animals need to live but it's apart of life, but did they use it for food ? That would just be pretty gross. Billy was very happy that he caught his first "coon" and the helpful tips from his grandpa actually worked because Billy was about to give up and stop waiting for the coon to come but he didn't. He kept his head fight and the waiting payed off. Also it was smart for his mom to use the fur to make a hat , Billy would wear that hat all the time. Now that he has his dogs , Old Dan and Little Ann he is training them to hunt coons. Its a good thing he got his dogs to help him hunt . If you were Billy would you want to hunt with your dog ?
     In addition,  I can connect with Billy when he talks with his pups saying training is over and its up to you. I think its like when you turn a teen ager, you have responsibility for your self. You have more choices in life. Its like the poem "The Road Not Taken". Billy's dogs can choose between hunting or not. If  I was one of Billy's dogs I would choose to hunt because all that training would not pay off. If you were one of the dogs would you hunt ?

     From your amazing group member :) ,

       Julia Maytorena

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